Ancient Indian scientists & discoveries - Art & Culture

Q.  Match the following items correctly?

1) Aryabhatta ---------- i) Began to apply Algebra to astronomical problems
2) Varahamira ---------- ii) Calculated value of pi
3) Brahmagupta ------- iii) Earth rotates around the sun
4) Budhayana ----------- iv) Measured circumference of earth

- Published on 17 Aug 15

a. 1-i; 2-ii; 3-iii; 4-iv
b. 1-iii; 2-iv; 3-ii; 4-i
c. 1-ii; 2-i; 3-i; 4-iii
d. 1-iv; 2-iii; 3-ii; 4-i

ANSWER: 1-iv; 2-iii; 3-ii; 4-i
The famous mathematician, Brahmagupta wrote Brahmsiddhanta in c. A.D. 628. His other well known work was Khandakhadya probably composed in A.D. 665. He developed rules for operating with negative qualities and with zero. He began to apply Algebra to astronomical problems.

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