ASP & JSP technologies are similar in a way they support creation of Dynamic pages - JSP

Q.  The ASP and JSP technologies are quite similar in the way they support the creation of Dynamic pages, using HTML templates, scripting code and components for business logic.
- Published on 22 Jul 15

a. True
b. False



  • Nirja Shah   -Posted on 15 Dec 15
    - The main competing technology for JSPs is Active Server Page (ASP) , from Microsoft.
    - The technologies are quite similar in the way they support the creation of Dynamic pages, using HTML templates, scripting code and components for business logic.

    JSP vs. ASP

    - It uses all the major web platforms.
    - It uses Java as its scripting language.
    - They use components like JSP tags, JavaBeans or EJB.
    - The code is interpreted only once.

    - It uses only the Microsoft platform.
    - It uses JScript and VBScript as its scripting language.
    - They use components such as COM/DCOM.
    - The code is interpreted at each instance.

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