Atomic hydrogen welding - fusion welding - Manufacturing Processes - 1

Q.  Which of the following is an example of fusion welding?
- Published on 03 Aug 15

a. Atomic hydrogen welding
b. Flash welding
c. Seam welding
d. Spot welding

ANSWER: Atomic hydrogen welding


  • Pankaj   -Posted on 02 Nov 15
    - When the metal being joined is actually melted and the joining is produced on subsequent solidification.

    - Atomic hydrogen welding is an example of fusion welding.

    - In atomic hydrogen welding, the heat is obtained by producing an AC current arc between two tungsten electrodes in the presence of hydrogen.

    - As the hydrogen gas passes through the arc, its molecules brake into atoms and heat is generated. This heat is sufficient to melt the metal being joined.

    - The weld appears smooth and homogeneous in atomic hydrogen welding.

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