Average - Quantitative Aptitude (MCQ) questions for Q. 29919

Q.  In the India-Australia one day match, due to rain, India needed 324 runs in 48 overs to win. In initial 10 overs, the average scoring rate was 6, but in next 10 overs it increased to 8.5. It then declined to 5.5 in next 10 overs and again rose to 7 in next 10 overs. To win the match now what average is needed?
- Published on 08 May 17

a. 8.25
b. 6.75
c. 7.75
d. 7.0

ANSWER: 6.75


  • Rani shesherao Biradar    -Posted on 24 Aug 24
    This is useful app
  • Mahesh Pujari   -Posted on 29 Jan 19
    Super sir time and work vedio

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