Bearings carrying thrust load in one direction

Q.  Which of the following bearings carry thrust load in one direction?
- Published on 19 Oct 15

a. Spherical roller thrust bearings
b. Taper roller bearings
c. Both a. and b.
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Both a. and b.


  • Dalia   -Posted on 21 Aug 16
    Answer is absolutely wrong as taper roller bearing can carry both radial as well as axial load.
  • Sravanthi   -Posted on 01 Oct 15
    • Taper roller bearings and spherical roller thrust bearings carry load in one direction. If load needs to be transmitted in both directions taper roller bearings are used in pairs.

    • Conical rollers running on conical races are used in tapered roller bearings.

    • Spherical roller bearings are thicker in middle and thinner at ends. They accommodate both dynamic and static misalignment. These bearings are expensive and have high friction than taper roller bearings.

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