Bernoullis equation - Characteristics & Applications - Fluid Mechanics

Q.  Which of the following sentences are true for Bernoulli's equation?

1. Bernoulli's principle is applicable to ideal incompressible fluid
2. The gravity force and pressure forces are only considered in Bernoulli's principle
3. The flow of fluid is rotational for Bernoulli's principle
4. The heat transfer into or out of fluid should be zero to apply Bernoulli's principle

- Published on 04 Aug 15

a. (1), (2) and (3)
b. (1), (3) and (4)
c. (1), (2) and (4)
d. (1), (2), (3) and (4)

ANSWER: (1), (2) and (4)


  • Pankaj   -Posted on 28 Sep 15
    To apply Bernoulli's theorem,
    1. The fluid is assumed to be ideal, steady, incompressible and one-dimensional.
    2. The gravitational force and pressure force are only considered in Bernoulli's theorem.
    3. The flow is assumed to be irrotational so that it should be an ideal flow condition
    4. The heat flow into or out of fluid should be zero which is a limitation of Bernoulli's theorem

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