Blood Relations and Family Tree - Logical Reasoning (MCQ) Questions for Q. 29630

Q.  Read the following information carefully and answer the questions below.

1. In a family of six persons, L, M, N, F, P, Q, there are two married couples.
2. F is grandmother of L and mother of M.
3. N is wife of M and mother of Q.
4. Q is the grand-daughter of P.

Who among the following is one of the couples?

- Published on 25 Apr 17

a. N-F
b. F-P
c. P-M
d. None of these

N is the wife of M.
So, one couple is M-N. Now, F is the grandmother of L. M is the son of F and his wife N is the mother of Q.
So, F is also grandmother of Q. But Q is the granddaughter of P.
So, P is the grandfather of Q and the husband of F.
Thus F-P is another couple.

blood relation 1567 20


  • Kashyap    -Posted on 17 Oct 23
    How did we determine that p is related to f when there is an option of none of these.

    P can also be maternal grand parent of Q and also we cannot determine gender Of P from question.

    Please Explain.

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