British Labour party votes against Jeremy Corbyn following Brexit

Q.  British Labour Party lawmaker voted against their leader on 28th June amidst Brexit and resulting political turmoil in the wake of it. Who is he?
- Published on 29 Jun 16

a. Boris Johnson
b. Jeremy Corbyn
c. Stephen Crabb
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Jeremy Corbyn
British Labour Party lawmakers voted massively against their leader on 28th June amidst political turmoil in Britain after the vote to leave the EU was a candidate to succeed PM David Cameron voted for power
  • Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn lost the non binding confidence motion with 172 voting against him of a total of 229 Labour lawmakers in the House of Commons Lower House
  • Pro-EU finance minister George Osborne ruled himself out on Tuesday when British media said that the Work and Pensions Minister Stephen Crabb, unknown to the British public is said to put his name forward
  • Former London mayor Boris Johnson is also a crowd favourite with Theresa May reportedly seeking support for a rival bid that has been called the “Stop Boris”campaign

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