Bunkar Mitra - A Helpline for handholding of Handloom weavers

Q.  What is Bunkar-Mitra?
- Published on 26 Dec 16

a. Helpline for handloom weavers
b. Scheme for rejuvenation of land
c. Initiative for water conservation and watershed management
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Helpline for handloom weavers
Currently 28 Weavers’ Service Centres (WSCs) are functioning across the country to provide technical assistance to handloom weavers in improving their skills.

For seeking assistance, weavers have to personally visit the WSCs. As on date, there is no single point of contact where weavers can seek solutions for their technical issues/problems.

In order to enable poor weavers to overcome these problems, the Central Government has decided to establish a “Bunkar Mitra-Handloom Helpline Centre” where professional queries of weavers will be answered by the experts in the field.

This helpline will function from 10.00 a.m to 6 p.m. and initially it will be provided in 6 languages viz., Hindi, English and 4 other regional languages (Telugu, Tamil, Bengali and Assamese).

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