Calendar - Quantitative Aptitude (MCQ) questions for Q. 54

Q.  15th august 2010 was which day of the week?
- Published on 12 Jun 15

a. Thursday
b. Friday
c. Wednesday
d. Sunday

ANSWER: Sunday
15th August 2010 can be written as 2009 + days from 1st January 2010 to 15th August 2010.

=> Total number of odd days in 400 years = 0

Hence, total number of odd days in 2000 years = 0 (as 2000 is a perfect multiple of 400)

Odd in days in the period 2001-2009:
7 normal years + 2 leap yeas

=> (7*1) + (2*2) = 11

=> Odd days will be 11- (7*1) = 4

Days from January 1 to August 15 in 2010: 31+28+31+30+31+30+31+15

= 227 days.

= 32 weeks and 3 days, this gives additional 3 odd days.

=> Total odd days= 3+4=7

=> 7 odd days=1 week= 0 odd days

=> 0 odd days= Sunday

Thus, 15th August 2010 was a Sunday.


  • Geeta   -Posted on 14 Oct 18
    Please add the video related to calendar problem

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