Cause of first order surface irregularity - Metrology & Quality Control

Q.  Which among the following causes first order surface irregularity?
- Published on 07 Aug 15

a. Lack of straightness
b. Lack of rigidity
c. Feed and speed
d. Vibrations

ANSWER: Lack of straightness


  • Sravanthi   -Posted on 26 Oct 15
    - Different types of surface irregularities are obtained due to different machining operations.

    - First order, second order, third order and fourth order are different geometrical irregularities present on machining surfaces.

    - First order irregularities are caused due to inaccuracies in machine tools. They are caused due to lack of straightness of guide ways or are caused due to deformations such as weight and cutting forces.

    - Second order irregularities are caused due to vibrations and lack of rigidity of machine tools.

    - Third order irregularities are due to cutting parameters such as speed, depth, feed, etc, even if the machine tool is perfect.

    - The rupture of materials caused during chip separation cause fourth order irregularity.

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