Change in thermal conductivity wrt temperature of same material - Heat Transfer

Q.  How does the thermal conductivity of a material change with respect to change in temperature of the same material?
- Published on 11 Aug 15

a. thermal conductivity of a material increases with increase in its temperature
b. thermal conductivity of a material decreases with increase in its temperature
c. thermal conductivity of a material remains same with change in its temperature
d. unpredictable

ANSWER: thermal conductivity of a material increases with increase in its temperature


  • Sivakumar   -Posted on 08 Apr 19
    thermal conductivity of a material decreases with increase in its temperature
  • M.Waqas khattak   -Posted on 02 Feb 19
    IN GENERAL, the thermal conductivity of gases increases with temperature. Kinetic theory of gases explains why. Thermal conductivity of liquids decreases with increasing temperature as the liquid expands and the molecules move apart. In the case of solids, because of lattice distortions, higher temperatures make it difficult for electrons to flow, hence the thermal conductivity of metals decreases. In non-metals, electronic conductivity is practically non-existent and due to increase in phonon conduction, the thermal conductivity increases.
  • Hamid Masood   -Posted on 12 Jun 17
    b. thermal conductivity of a material decreases with increase in its temperature

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