Chemical action converts metals into which component?

Q.  Chemical action during corrosion converts metal into metallic component as ________
- Published on 11 Sep 15

a. hydroxide
b. oxide
c. sulphate
d. all of the above

ANSWER: all of the above


  • Kartik   -Posted on 17 Mar 21
    Most metals are found in nature as ores. During manufacturing process of converting these ores into metal involves the input of energy .
    And during the corrosion reaction the energy added in manufacturing is released and the material is returned to its oxide State.
  • Sravanthi    -Posted on 16 Nov 15
    - Corrosion attacks metals by chemical or electrochemical action and converts metals into metallic compounds. These metallic compounds may be oxides, hydroxide or sulphates.

    - During corrosion metals react with oxygen, moisture, carbon dioxide, etc and go back to its original form of oxide. Energy is released during corrosion.

    - Corrosion does not take place in absence of air or oxygen.

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