China is World's Largest Recipient of FDI in 2014: UNCTAD

Q.  As per the latest 'Global Investment Trade Monitor' report released by United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), which country has topped the list in terms of the world's largest recipient of the FDI?
- Published on 23 Jan 15

a. India
b. China
c. United States
d. Canada

China toppled the US in 2014 as the world's largest recipient of the FDI- a position that the US had been holding almost consistently since the 1980's- though with a modest increase of 3 per cent. The top five FDI hosts in 2014 were China with 128 billion US dollar, followed by Hong Kong 111 billion dollar, the United States 86 billion, Singapore 81 billion dollar and Brazil 62 billion dollar.

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