Close to 13 crore rural households have income of less than INR 5000 per month: SECC 2011

Q.  Close to 13 crore rural households in the country have income of less than how much per month?
- Published on 01 Aug 16

a. 5000
b. 7000
c. 8000
d. 9000

ANSWER: 5000
More than 13 crore rural households in the country have income of less than INR 5000 per month according to the Parliament.
  • As per the Socio Economic and Caste Census/SECC 2011, 13.39 crore of 17.97 crore rural households have declared income of less than INR 5000 per month.
  • Department of Rural Development is implementing various schemes such as MGNREGA, Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Sadak Yojana among others to enhance the overall quality of life of the people.
  • SECC 2011 was carried out to generate information on numerous socioeconomic indicators for ranking of households in rural and urban areas of the country.

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