Cocomo Model estimates total effort in terms of person, months of technical project staff

Q.  The model which estimates the total effort in terms of person, months of the technical project staff is _______ .

- Published on 30 Jul 15

a. Spiral Model
b. Waterfall model.
c. Win-win spiral model.
d. Cocomo Model

ANSWER: Cocomo Model


  • Prajakta Pandit   -Posted on 25 Nov 15

    - The model which estimates the total effort in terms of person, months of the technical project staff is COCOMO model.

    - COCOMO (Constructive Cost Model) is the cost estimation model which is mostly used by software project managers.

    - This model is developed by Barry W. Boehm.

    - According to Boehm, software cost estimation should be done through three stages: Basic COCOMO, Intermediate COCOMO and Complete COCOMO.

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