Coding-Decoding - Logical Reasoning (MCQ) Questions for Q. 29542

Q.  Read the following information and answer the question below.

In a certain code language, ‘sea is deep’ means ‘213’, ‘sky is blue’ means ‘514’ and ‘sea looks blue’ means ‘264’

What number is the code for ‘is’?

- Published on 25 Apr 17

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5

In the first and second statements, the common digit is ‘1’ and the common word is ‘is’.

So, ‘1’ is the code for ‘is’.

In the second and third statements, the common digit is ‘4’ and the common word is ‘blue’.

So, ‘4’ is the code for ‘blue’.

Thus, in the second statement, ‘5’ is the code for ‘sky’.

In the first and third statements, the common digit is ‘2’ and the common word is ‘sea’.

So, ‘2’ is the code for ‘sea’.

Thus, in the first statement, ‘3’ is the code for ‘deep’.

In the third statement, ‘6’ is the code for ‘looks’.

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