Condition for using spiral gears to transmit power - Metrology & Quality Control

Q.  Spiral gears are used to transmit power when the shafts are
- Published on 07 Aug 15

a. parallel
b. interesting
c. parallel and intersecting
d. neither parallel nor intersecting

ANSWER: neither parallel nor intersecting


  • Sravanthi   -Posted on 26 Oct 15
    - Spiral gears are used to transmit power when the shafts are neither parallel nor intersecting.

    - Spiral gears have teeth cut along helical curved path.

    - These gears are used in vehicle differential, in which direction of drive from the drive shaft is turned through 90° to drive wheels.

    - The angle between tooth trace and an element of the pitch cone is called as spiral angle in spiral bevel gear.

    - The advantage of spiral bevel gear is that they produce less noise and less vibration.

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