Conditions for repeated stress

Q.  Which of the following conditions is true for repeated stress?

1. σm = 0
2. σm = σmax / 2
3. σm = σa
4. σmin = 0
5. σmin = – σmax   
6. σa = σmax / 2

where  σm = mean stress and σa = stress amplitude

- Published on 14 Sep 15

a. condition 2 and 3
b. condition 1, 3 and 5
c. condition 2, 4, and 6
d. condition 3,4, 5 and 6

ANSWER: condition 2, 4, and 6


  • Sravanthi   -Posted on 03 Nov 15
    - The variable stresses induced in a component which vary in magnitude and direction with respect to time are called as fluctuating stresses.

    - Fluctuating stresses are of two types:
    1) Repeated stresses
    2) Completely reversed stress

    1) Repeated stresses:

    - Repeated stresses are observed in gears, cams, etc.

    Mean stress (σm) = (σmax + σmin) / 2

    Stress amplitude (σa) = (σmax – σmin) / 2

    - σmin = 0 for repeated stresses, therefore substituting the given values we get,

    σm = σmax / 2 & σa = σmax / 2

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