Constitution (123rd) Amendment Bill 2017 passed by LS

Q.  Which Bill was passed by the LS to give constitutional status to National Commission for Backward Classes?
- Published on 12 Apr 17

a. Constitution (One Hundred and Twenty Third Amendment) Bill 2017
b. Constitution (One Hundred and Twenty Fourth Amendment) Bill 2017
c. Constitution (One Hundred and Thirty Third Amendment) Bill 2017
d. Constitution (One Hundred and Forty Third Amendment) Bill 2017

ANSWER: Constitution (One Hundred and Twenty Third Amendment) Bill 2017
Constitution (123rd) Amendment Bill 2017 passed by LSThe Lok Sabha on 10 April 2017 passed the Constitution (One Hundred and Twenty-Third Amendment) Bill, 2017.

The Bill was passed by the house with 360 MPs voting in favour and 2 against the bill.

It seeks to give constitutional status to the National Commission for Backward Classes. The Bill seeks to insert a new Article 338B in the Constitution

The Article provides for the National Commission for Backward Classes, its composition, mandate, functions and various officers.

The Bill also seeks to insert a new Article 342-A, which empowers the President to notify the list of socially and educationally backward classes of a state/union territory.

In case of a state, President will make such notification after consultation with the Governor.

Under the new Article 342-A, the Parliament, by making a law, can include or exclude the classes from the central list of backward classes.

NCB: Know More
  • The National Commission for Backward Classes is an Indian statutory body under the Union Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.
  • It was established on 14 August 1993.
  • It was constituted pursuant to the provisions of the National Commission for Backward Classes Act, 1993.
  • 1990, Indra Sawhney & Ors. Vs. Union of India and Ors., reported in (1992) Supp. 3 SCC 217, directed the Government of India for a permanent body in the nature of a Commission or Tribunal.
  • It was for entertaining, examining and recommending upon requests for inclusion and complaints of over-inclusion and under-inclusion in the list of OBCs.
  • At present, the Commission is responsible to look into the inclusion and exclusion of backward classes only.

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