Convective acceleration - Fluid Mechanics

Q.  The rate of increase of velocity with respect to change in the position of fluid particle in a flow field is called as
- Published on 04 Aug 15

a. local acceleration
b. temporal acceleration
c. convective acceleration
d. all of the above

ANSWER: convective acceleration


  • avneesh   -Posted on 12 Feb 17
    convective acceleration is zero
  • Pankaj   -Posted on 25 Sep 15
    There are various types of acceleration of a particle in a flow pattern such as Local acceleration, Temporal acceleration, Convective acceleration, Material acceleration or Substantial acceleration.

    The Local acceleration or Temporal acceleration can be defined as the rate of increase of velocity with respect to time at a single given point in a flow field. The Local acceleration is zero for steady flow.

    The Convective acceleration can be defined as the rate of increase of velocity with respect to change in the position of fluid particle in a flow field. It is zero for uniform flow but not zero for steady flow.

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