Copper-zinc alloy is used as joining medium in brazing operation - Manufacturing Processes - 1

Q.  What is used as joining medium in brazing operation?
- Published on 03 Aug 15

a. Copper-zinc alloy
b. Nickel-silver alloy
c. Lead-tin alloy
d. All of the above

ANSWER: Copper-zinc alloy


  • Pankaj   -Posted on 02 Nov 15
    - Brazing is a soldering process in which a copper-zinc alloy, that is brass, is used as the joining medium.

    - Brazing is a form of hard soldering in which the welding alloy used in the joint is harder than solder, naturally joint is much more stronger than the soldering.

    - The brass used in brazing operation is also called as spelter.

    - Spelter has different composition depending upon the metals being joined.

    - It is necessary that the spelter should have a lower melting point than the material being joined.

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