Cricket, surfing, skateboarding removed from Asian Games 2018

Q.  Which sport(s) is/are to not be included in 2018 Asian Games?
- Published on 25 Apr 17

a. Cricket
b. Surfing
c. Skateboarding
d. All of the above

ANSWER: All of the above
Cricket, surfing, skateboarding removed from Asian Games 2018One of the sports to miss out from the programme list of the 2018 Asian Games in Jakarta and Palembang is cricket.

Apart from cricket, skateboarding, sambo and surfing are among the other sports which have been removed from the programme in order to reduce the burden on Indonesian organisers.

This measure was taken as a part of the series of changes aimed at reducing the total number of events from 493 to 431.

Also omitted from the list are kurash and belt wrestling events. This news was confirmed by the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA).

Meanwhile, there will also be reduced competitions in the sports of ju jitsu, jet ski, sport climbing, paragliding, bridge and wushu.

Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) director general Husain Al-Musallam indicated sports popular in Indonesia would be the focus of the game.

No changes, however, have yet been made to any of the other 28 permanent Summer Olympic sports due to be contested.

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