Criticality is achieving sustainable and steady chain reaction

Q.  What is criticality in relation to Nuclear Power Plants and nuclear energy?
- Published on 25 Jul 16

a. Nuclear reactor is showing signs of decreased nuclear activity
b. A sustainable and steady chain reaction is achieved
c. There is uncontrollable chain reaction within the nuclear reactor
d. The Nuclear reactor is malfunctioning in some way.

ANSWER: A sustainable and steady chain reaction is achieved
  • When the atom-splitting reactor of a nuclear power plant is operating normally, it is said to be “critical” or in a state of “criticality.”
  • When a reactor’s neutron population remains steady from one generation to the next (creating as many new neutrons as are lost), the fission chain reaction is self-sustaining and the reactor's condition is referred to as "critical".
  • When the reactor’s neutron production exceeds losses, characterized by increasing power level, it is considered "supercritical", and when losses dominate, it is considered "subcritical" and exhibits decreasing power.
  • Recently Kudankulam Unit-2 has attained first criticality.

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