Death and Permanent Total Disability Insurance Cover by Railways

Q.  Which of the following is correctly matched amount of Insurance as per the Optional Travel Insurance Scheme for Railway Passengers?

1) In case of Death- Rs. 15 lakh
2) Permanent Total Disability – Rs. 10 Lakh
3) Transportation of mortal remains – Rs. 10 Thousand

- Published on 17 Nov 16

a. 2, 3
b. 1, 2
c. 1, 3
d. All of the above

ANSWER: 2, 3
The amount of compensation to be given to passengers are as follows -
  • In case of Death- Rs.10 lakh
  • Permanent Total Disability – Rs. 10 Lakh
  • Permanent Partial Disability – Rs.7.5 Lakh
  • Hospitalization Expenses for Injury – Rs.2 Lakh &
  • Transportation of mortal remains – Rs.10 Thousand

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