Delhi is in Zone IV regarding seismicity: Bureau of Indian Standards

Q.  According to the Bureau of Indian standards, in association with past seismic history Delhi lies in Zone IV. What magnitude of earthquakes are said to strike such regions?
- Published on 29 Jul 16

a. 5-6 or more
b. 5-6 or less
c. 5-6
d. None of the above

ANSWER: 5-6 or more
According to Bureau of Indian Standards, based on past seismic history, Delhi lies in Zone IV which has fairly high seismicity wherein the general occurrence of earthquakes is of 5-6 magnitude and slightly higher magnitude.
  • Delhi is in the high risk area and an advanced 15 station Seismic Telemetry System is already working under NCS to detect and locate earthquakes around Delhi.
  • NCS also completed seismic micro-zonation of Delhi-NCR on a 1:10,000 scale providing additional inputs regarding underlying soil in the assessment of damage potential.

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