Diagram of Chamfering tool - machining tool - Manufacturing Processes - 1

Q.  Consider the following diagram of machining tool. What is the type of the tool shown below?
- Published on 03 Aug 15

a. Turning tool
b. Facing tool
c. Chamfering tool
d. Parting or necking tool

ANSWER: Chamfering tool


  • Amare Mahtsentu   -Posted on 03 Sep 20
    could you please show us all the shapes of the various cutting tools ?
    the facing tool has a sharp edge right?
  • Pankaj   -Posted on 03 Nov 15
    - The diagram shown in question is of chamfering tool.

    - Chamfering tools are of two types, left hand chamfering tool and right hand chamfering tool.

    - There are various types of metal cutting tools used in centre lathe, such as turning tool, facing tool, external threading tool, parting tool, etc.

    - The other tools do not have sharp edge like the chamfering tools have, except threading tool.

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