Direction Sense Test - Logical Reasoning (MCQ) Questions for Q. 28841

Q.  Read the following information to answer the given question.
  • Starting from the point A, Jackie Chan walked 50 m towards west.
  • He turned left and walked 20 m and did a summersault.
  • He then turned left and walked 50 m and did a backflip.
  • After this, he turned to his right and slowly walked 10 m.
How far and in which direction is Jackie Chan from A?

- Published on 07 Jul 17

a. 30 m, South
b. 30 m, North
c. 40 m, South
d. 40 m, North

ANSWER: 30 m, South
Required distance = AD + DE = 20 + 10 = 30
directions 1538 15

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