Direction Sense Test - Logical Reasoning (MCQ) Questions for Q. 29742

Q.  If you are facing north-east and move 12 m forward, turn left and move 5 m, then you are -
- Published on 03 May 17

a. East of your initial position
b. West of your initial position
c. South of your initial position
d. North of your initial position

ANSWER: North of your initial position
direction 1598 14


  • gg   -Posted on 07 Aug 23
  • Adarsh Jaiswal   -Posted on 29 Jan 23
    The answer should be North-West as turning left or right from a point is considered to be 90 degrees and 90 degrees left of North-East is North-West.
  • Paul   -Posted on 04 Sep 22
    We were told when a turn is given without a specific angle then it is to be a 90 degree turn.
  • PAVITRA K PATIL   -Posted on 02 Sep 21
    Answer has to be North West
  • Bhavesh Mandavkar   -Posted on 13 Aug 20
    In your video of Direction on Youtube you told that if at what degree the person turn left is not mentioned, then we will assume that it will turn left at 90 degree. So, basically in the above question if he turns left the the direction will be North-West

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