Dr. B. Rabha named Upendra Nath Bramha Scholar Award winner 2014

Q.  Name the social activist who has been named for the 12th Upendra Nath Brahma soldier of Humanity Award?
- Published on 17 May 15

a. Tarun Tejpal
b. Medha Patkar
c. Dr. Birubala Rabha
d. Aruna Roy

ANSWER: Dr. Birubala Rabha
The award has been instituted by Upendra Nath Brahma Trust (UNBT), in the name of Bodofa UN Brahma, former president of the All Bodo Students Union. Dr Birubala Rabha, anti witch hunting activist has been chosen for 12th UN Brahma Soldier of Humanity Award, 2015, recognising her struggle against the blind belief and ill culture of the society.

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