DRDO signs MoU with IIT-B and IIT-M for CoPT

Q.  DRDO has signed an MOU with which IITs to establish a Centre of Propulsion Technology?
- Published on 11 Jul 16

a. IIT Bombay
b. IIT Madras
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Both a and b
Defence Research and Development Organisation has signed an MoU with IIT-B and M to establish a bi nodal Centre of Propulsion Technology.
  • MoA was signed to achieve synergy between DRDO and IITs for channeling research efforts and advanced collaborative research in areas of critical defence technologies.
  • CoPT will facilitate and undertake multidisciplinary directed research in the following areas:
  • futuristic aero engines,
  • hypersonic propulsion for long duration flights,
  • solid propellant combustion modelling
  • morphing aircraft technologies.

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