Entity for 2-i/p NAND gate

Q.  Which among the following is the correct way of entity representation for the two input NAND gate shown below?
- Published on 29 Sep 15

a. NAND 5 entity is
port (A, B : input;
C: output);
NAND 5 end;
b. entity NAND5 is
port (A, B : in bit;
C: out bit);
end NAND 5;
c. Entity: NAND5
port(Inputs: A, B;
Output : C);
d. entity : NAND5
port( inbit : A,B),
( outbit: C);

ANSWER: entity NAND5 is
port (A, B : in bit;
C: out bit);
end NAND 5;

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