Environment - Current Affairs Questions and Answers for Q. 20367

Q.  Which Indian biosphere reserve in the Western Ghats is home to 2254 species of higher plants?
- Published on 22 Mar 16

a. Agasthmala
b. Agashtyamana
c. Agasthyamala
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Agasthyamala
India’s special Agasthymala Biosphere Reserve in The Western Ghats is among 20 new sites added by top UN cultural body UNESCO to World Network for Biosphere Reserves. The total number of biosphere reserves has now shot up to 669 in 120 countries including 16 trans boundary sites. Located in the Western Ghats. This reserve includes peaks of 1868 m above sea level. Comprising mostly tropical forests, the site is home to 2254 species of higher plants of which 400 are endemic.

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