Error observed due to lack of squareness - Metrology & Quality Control

Q.  Which error is observed due to lack of squareness when depth is measured using depth micrometer?
- Published on 07 Aug 15

a. parallax error
b. cosine error
c. sine error
d. all of the above

ANSWER: cosine error


  • Sravanthi   -Posted on 23 Oct 15
    - If the axis of depth micrometer is inclined to the test specimen at an angle θ, it results in cosine error because the true depth (d) of test specimen is given as d' cos θ.

    - d' is the depth measured by micrometer. Cosine error occurs if the fixed jaw of micrometer is not placed at right angle to the hole of test specimen.

    - Measured displacement (M) = Actual displacement (L) cos θ

    Therefore, cosine error = L (cos θ - 1)

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