Ex post facto approval given to energy savings India-BRICS MoU

Q.  India will sign an MoU  for cooperation in which field(s) with BRICS after Cabinet approval?
- Published on 17 Dec 15

a. Energy Savings
b. Energy Efficiency
c. Energy Consumption
d. Both a and b

ANSWER: Both a and b
Union Cabinet chaired by PM Narendra Modi has given ex post facto approval of MoU signed between India and BRICS for initiating energy savings and energy efficiency cooperation for mutual benefits. Approval for the same was given on 16th December 2015. MoU covers the following fields:

- Joint scientific and technological research,
- Conferencing and holding of lectures and seminars;
- Capacity building and technology transfer;
- Technology development, sharing policies and best practices;
- Encouragement of use of energy efficient and energy saving approaches

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