External Stylesheet can change style of an element in the entire website - ASP.NET

Q.  Using which type of stylesheet we can change the style of an element in the entire website?
- Published on 28 Jul 15

a. Internal Stylesheet
b. External Stylesheet
c. Inline stylesheet
d. None of these above

ANSWER: External Stylesheet


  • Ramesh   -Posted on 19 Oct 15
    By using external stylesheet we can change the style of an element in the entire website.
    For adding new css file
    right click on your project ------ Add new item ------ select stylesheet - click Ok to add existing .css file.
    Each page must include a reference to the external style sheet file inside the element. element should be in the HTML section.
    < head>
    < link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mystylesheet.css">
    < /head>



    background-color: #b2b2b2; border-color: Red;
    border-style: solid; border-width: 1px;
    color: Black; font-weight: bold;

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