Federal biologist discovers 14 new species of snailfish

Q.  How many new species of snailfish have been discovered by NOAA in the ocean floor of the Aleutian islands?
- Published on 14 Jul 16

a. 12
b. 13
c. 14
d. 15

Trawl nets were used by a team of researchers from NOAA to discover important fish species such as cod in waters off Alaska.
  • The researchers have discovered 14 kinds of new snailfish. which can be found in both pools and oceans.
  • Additional species are likely to be found as scientists expand their time investigating areas such as Bering Sea Slope in waters 800 to 5200 feet deep or the 25.663 feet deep Aleutian Trench.
  • Abundance of rock fish, flatfish and other “bottom” fish found in the floor of the ocean were studied by the researchers.

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