First Videsh Bhavan in Mumbai launched

Q.  MEA has inaugurated India's first Videsh Bhavan in which city?
- Published on 29 Aug 17

a. Mumbai
b. Delhi
c. Kolkata
d. Chennai

ANSWER: Mumbai
First Videsh Bhavan in Mumbai launchedExternal Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj on 27th August 2017 inaugurated the country's first Videsh Bhavan in Mumbai.

The country's first Videsh Bhavan assimilates all Regional Passport Offices under one roof.

As a first pilot project, four offices of the MEA - Regional Passport Office (RPO), Protector of Emigrants (PoE) office, Branch Secretariat and Regional Office of the ICCR - have been assimilated and brought under one roof at the state-of-art office.

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