Fluid Mechanics - Mechanical Engineering (MCQ) questions and answers for Q. 3947

Q.  How is the intensity of shear stresses over the boundary layer?
- Published on 04 Aug 15

a. small
b. large
c. sometimes small and sometimes large
d. cannot say

ANSWER: large


  • Pankaj   -Posted on 05 Oct 15
    Boundary layer is the thin layer of fluid in the immediate vicinity of bounding surface that is solid surface. The effects of viscosity are important at the boundary layer.

    Any real fluid moving along solid boundary will receive a shear stress on that boudary. The velocity gradients and shear stresses are large over boundary layers.

    When there is no-slip conditions, the speed of the fluid at the boundary is zero, but the flow speed becomes equal to that of fluid at some height. The region between these two points is called as boundary layer.

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