Former UN secretary general Boutros Boutros Ghali passes away

Q.  Which former UN secretary general has passed away on 16th February 2016?
- Published on 17 Feb 16

a. Boutros-Boutros Ghali
b. Ban-Ki Moon
c. Kofi Annan
d. None of the above

ANSWER: Boutros-Boutros Ghali
Former UN secretary general Boutros Boutros Ghali has passed away at Cairo on 16th February at the age of 93. He was termed a respected statesman by UN Chief Ban Ki-moon. A former foreign minister of Egypt, he was the first Arab to serve as UN Chief. He took charge of office in the 1990s following the decisive role in the Gulf War serving a 5 year term. He was born on November 14, 1922 to a Cairo family and was educated at Cairo University and Paris. After he retired from the UN, he served from 1998 to 2002 as secretary general of La Francophone. a group of French speaking nations.

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