Formula - Centre distance

Q.  The shortest distance between worm gear and axes of the worm is given as ______________
- Published on 23 Sep 15

a. m (zw + zg) / q
b. m (zw + zg) / 2
c. m (q + zg) / 2
d. √m (q + zg) / 2

ANSWER: m (q + zg) / 2


  • Sravanthi   -Posted on 01 Oct 15
    • The centre distance between axes of worm and worm gear is calculated using the formula [m (q + zg) / 2], where q is the diametral quotient, zg = number of teeth on pinion and m = module.

    • The centre distance should be equal to 1 / 2 of pitch diameter of worm gear plus 1 / 2 of pitch diameter of worm.
    Centre distance should be kept more, if desired centre distance cannot be maintained

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