Formula for temperature distribution in infinitely long fin - Heat Transfer

Q.  What is the correct formula for the temperature distribution in infinitely long fin?
m = √(hP/kA)
h = convective heat transfer coefficient
P = perimeter of the fin
k = thermal conductivity of fin
A = cross-sectional area of the fin
T = Temperature of the fin at the distance x from the base of fine
and the constants C1 and C2 depend on the boundary conditions
Ts = Base temperature of the fin
T = Temperature of surrounding fluid

- Published on 12 Aug 15

a. (Ts – T) / (T – T) = C2emx
b. (Ts – T) / (T – T) = C2e– mx
c. (T – T) / (Ts – T) = C2emx
d. (T – T) / (Ts – T) = C2e– mx

ANSWER: (T – T) / (Ts – T) = C2e– mx


  • dipak shaw   -Posted on 24 Nov 17
    i want relation between efficency and heat.

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