Fraction - Quantitative Aptitude (MCQ) questions for Q. 29454

Q.  In a class 3/4th of the students do not know either English or Hindi. But 1/6th of the students know English. How much students know both English and Hindi if students who know Hindi are 1/8th of total students in the class?
- Published on 13 Apr 17

a. 1/24
b. 100/24
c. 10/12
d. 1/4

ANSWER: 1/24


  • Shiva Rajeshwari    -Posted on 22 Jul 24
    Alternative way to solve
    3/4 + 1/6 + 1/8 + x =1
    25+24x = 24
  • Baba Dhalaram Hansdah   -Posted on 23 Dec 20
    from where did 1/4th came?

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