Fundamental dimensions do not depend on unit of any other physical quantity - Fluid Mechanics

Q.  The unit of physical quantity which does not depend on the unit of any other physical quantity is called as
- Published on 04 Aug 15

a. independent dimension
b. fundamental dimension
c. core dimension
d. none of the above

ANSWER: fundamental dimension


  • Pankaj   -Posted on 05 Oct 15
    In dimensional analysis, it is assumed that the phenomenon can be expressed by a dimensionally homogeneous equation with certain variables and it is a mathematical technique which deals with the dimensions of physical quantities in a phenomenon.

    Some problems in fluid mechanics are difficult to solve due to their complexity. The solutions of these problems which are very complex in nature can considerably be simplified by using dimensional analysis.

    Mass, length, time and temperature are the fundamental quantities. Different physical quantities which are used in fluid phenomenon are formed by these fundamental quantities.

    The unit of physical quantity which does not depend on the unit of any other physical quantity is called as fundamental dimension.

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