G7 condemns Syria chemical attacks

Q.  Which group of nations condemned the chemical attack in Syria holding President Bhashar al Assad responsible?
- Published on 12 Apr 17

a. G-7
b. G-3
c. G-20

G7 condemns Syria chemical attacksForeign Ministers of the Group of Seven (G7) countries and several other West Asian countries spoke with one voice at a meeting in Lucca, Italy, condemning the chemical attack in Syria that left 89 people dead.

The US and its allies held Syrian President Bhashar al-Assad responsible for the attacks.

The G7 also lent support to the U.S. for its attack on the Syrian government-controlled Shayrat airfield in Homs province last Thursday.

While the G7 united to isolate Mr. Assad diplomatically and urged Russia to do the same, no agreement was reached on sanctions against Russia for supporting the Syrian regime.

Some experts hold that the chemical attack and the US strike may not change the situation in Syria dramatically.

All About G-7 Countries
  • Canada: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
  • France: President François Hollande
  • Germany: Chancellor Angela Merkel
  • Italy (2017 Chair): Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni
  • Japan: Prime Minister Shinzo Abe
  • United Kingdom: Prime Minister Theresa May
  • United States: President Donald Trump

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