Games and Tournament - Logical Reasoning (MCQ) Questions for Q. 29445

Q.  There are 64 players in a knock out tournament and every player is ranked (seeded) from 1 - 64.

The matches are played in such a manner that in round one the 1st seeded player plays with the 64th, 2nd with the 63rd and so on.
The players who win move on to the next round whereas others are out of the competition.

In second round, the winner of match 1 will play winner of the last match (which was between seed 32 and seed 33), and winner of match 2 will meet the winner of second last match in round 1 and so forth.

Thus, after all rounds winner is declared.

Which seeds will play Match no 7 and Match no 10 in Round 1 of a 32-player tournament?

- Published on 25 Apr 17

a. 26, 23
b. 27, 24
c. 28, 25
d. 29, 26

ANSWER: 26, 23
For solving these type of problems -

Notice that the sum of the seeding in every match will be equal to total players + 1. i.e. 1 + 32 = 33, 2 + 31 = 33.

In round of 64, sum of seeds will be 65, and in round of 16, sum of seeds will be 17. And so forth.

Thus, for 32 player tournaments, it will be 32 + 1 = 33.

For, match 7, opponent will be 33 -7 = 26
Similarly, for match 10, opponent will be 23.


  • Akshay Kaushik   -Posted on 23 Jan 20
    Thanks a lot man....??

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