Gardens & its locations- Art & Culture

Q.  Which of the following gardens is correctly matched with its location?

1) Nishat Bagh -------- Kashmir
2) Lodhi Garden ------- Lahore
3) Pinjore Garden ----- Punjab
4) Shalimar Bagh ------ Agra

- Published on 17 Aug 15

a. Only 1 and 3
b. Only 1 and 2
c. Only 1, 2 and 4
d. All of the above

ANSWER: Only 1 and 3
The Mughals were fond of laying gardens with running water. Some of the Mughal gardens such as the Nishat Bagh in Kashmir, the Shalimar Bagh at Lahore and the Pinjore garden in the Punjab have survived even today. The Lodi Garden in Delhi belongs to Delhi Sultanate and not the Mughal Period.

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