Geneticists extract and decode DNA of the oldest beans in the history of mankind

Q.  Geneticists decoded the DNA of more than ______ years old fossil barley in a cave near the Dead Sea in Israel.
- Published on 22 Jul 16

a. 5000
b. 5500
c. 6000
d. 6500

ANSWER: 6000
Geneticists were able to extract and decode the DNA of the oldest beans in the history of mankind fossil barley placed more than 6000 years ago within a cave near the Dead Sea in Israel.
  • This suggests domestication of barley in the fertile crescent was a long time before the advent of Bible
  • All the artifacts including stems and seeds of the plants buried in the soil at the bottom well preserved and existed 6200-5800 thousand years ago i the beginning of the copper age or in terms of biblical myths even prior to the floods.
  • The gene antediluvian barley was earlier believed to be akin to the DNA of wild species of cereals.

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