Global coordinator operations - Oracle Transaction

Q.  Which of the following performs the following operations during a distributed transaction?

1) Sends all of the distributed transaction SQL statements, remote procedure calls, and so forth to the directly referenced nodes, thus forming the session tree.
2) Instructs all directly referenced nodes other than the commit point site to prepare the transaction.
3) Instructs the commit point site to initiate the global commit of the transaction if all nodes prepare successfully.

- Published on 12 Aug 15

a. Database server
b. Local coordinator
c. Global coordinator
d. Commit point site

ANSWER: Global coordinator


  • Nirja Shah   -Posted on 22 Sep 15
    - All nodes participating in the session tree of a distributed transaction assume one or more of the following roles:

    - Clients - A node acts as a client when it references information from a database on another node.
    - The referenced node is a database server.

    - Database Servers - A database server is a node that hosts a database from which a client requests data.

    - Local Coordinators - A node that must reference data on other nodes to complete its part in the distributed transaction is called a local coordinator.

    - Global Coordinator - The node where the distributed transaction originates is called the global coordinator.
    - The database application issuing the distributed transaction is directly connected to the node acting as the global coordinator.

    - Commit Point Site - The job of the commit point site is to initiate a commit or roll back operation as instructed by the global coordinator. - The system administrator always designates one node to be the commit point site in the session tree by assigning all nodes a commit point strength.
    - The node selected as commit point site should be the node that stores the most critical data.

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