Government sets up NMPB, 2 CSS schemes for conserving endangered medicinal plants

Q.  Government is setting up a NMPB under Department/Ministry of Ayush. What is its full form?
- Published on 02 Mar 16

a. National Medicinal Plants Board
b. National Medical Plants Board
c. National Medicine Plants Board
d. None of the above

ANSWER: National Medicinal Plants Board
Government of India has set up National Medicinal Plants Board under the Ministry of Ayush since 2000 and it has been working for the conservation and development of medicinal plants alongside promotion of medicinal plants cultivation on farmer’s land to meet every growing demand. Currently, the following two CSS schemes have been implemented under this board:

1. Central Sector Scheme for Conservation, Development and Sustainable Management of Medicinal Plants
2. Centrally Sponsored Scheme of National AYUSH Mission (NAM)

Botanical Survey of India has found of 8000 species, 53 types of medicinal plants are in threatened categories such as Vulnerable and Critically Endangered.

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